Welcome to CANAR
Consortia of Administrators for Native American Rehabilitation, Inc.
CANAR, Inc. continues to enhance vocational rehabilitation services for Native Americans and Alaska Natives with disabilities by empowering administrators, coordinating collective stances on rehabilitation matters, fostering communication with relevant organizations, conducting research, promoting professional development, ensuring cultural appropriateness in services, and actively seeking mission-aligned funding opportunities. CANAR is a membership organization of administrators advancing and improving vocational rehabilitation services for Native Americans and Alaska Natives with disabilities.
Our Mission
CANAR is committed to fostering a strong national program of Tribal vocational rehabilitation that empowers Native Americans and Alaska Natives with disabilities and ensures that all are afforded culturally relevant and appropriate services to achieve employment outcomes, economic self-sufficiency, independence, inclusion, and integration in their communities.
Culturally relevant and appropriate services mean – to provide vocational rehabilitation services to Native Americans and Alaska Native people with disabilities using methods and accessible practices that support and protect the individual’s traditions, customs, religion, and language, and that respects and honors Tribal sovereignty, Native communities, and historical trauma.